Domestic Air conditioning

Discover Protech’s Heating/cooling solutions with the highest energy efficiency labels on the market, so you benefit from a total solution that provides outstanding comfort, without jeopardising your energy bills. With so many different types of indoor units and design options, we can create a climate that blends in seamlessly with your interior, whether you are looking for heating/cooling for your living room, bedroom, kitchen, or conservatory we can tailor a system to suit your requirements. If you would like one of our sales team to compile a no obligation quote or would just like to discuss your requirements, then please get in touch.

    Office Space
    and Industrial
    and Insured
    Increased productivity
    and staff comfort

Recent projects

Sheffield Residential installation

Nice little MHI 5kW premium spec wall mounted system installed for this returning customer. This time for their lounge / kitchen areas. Paired with their solar panel system they have now beat the system and get free heating and cooling year round. Not only that, they also managed to bag this install with 0% VAT! 


Sheffield Residential bedroom air conditioning installation

This beautiful house in Sheffield was struggling to maintain a comfortable temperature during the recent heat waves so we supplies and installed this Fujitsu 5.0kW multi outdoor unit serving 2 bedrooms. All pipework concealed within black Inaba Denko trunking to keep the installation looking clean. 

Retford domestic air conditioning installation

Nice little domestic installation for this customer.

Two 2.5kw Mitsubishi Heavy Industries wall mounted systems serving the lounge and master bedrooms.

Anlaby Domestic installation

A lovely Fujitsu 3.4kW Delux system recently installed in this new build property in Anlaby. 

Scarborough Domestic Air Conditioning

Daikin multi split all finished off in this penthouse apartment right on the beach front, keeping both the master and second bedrooms lovely and cool during summer. Along with efficient heating in winter.

Rotherham residential air conditioning

A lovely little install consisting of 2 Mitsubishi Heavy industries wall mounted units, providing 3.5kW of cooling and 4.5kW of heating to the ground and first floor bedrooms in this super modern house.

Warsop Vale Residential installation

This customer had a 2.5kW and a 3.4kW Fujitsu wall mounted system installed in their bedroom and lounge areas with the outdoor pipework that is visible from the street all concealed in black trunking to keep everything nice and clean!